AdSense Changes For Mobile

Wikimotive Adsense UpdateThere’s a reason that Google has been the top search engine for so long, and that’s because they refuse to leave well enough alone. Even when a service is succeeding for them, they’re still seeking ways to improve it. It’s for that reason that Google should always, always be the crux of your Search Engine Optimization efforts.

In keeping with their always-move-forward spirit, Google put out an update for AdSense text ads this month. The update is designed to make it easier to move from device to device, so that ads that look good on your computer will be just as effective on your phone screen. To the right we have an example of the new look, note the large finger-clickable arrows and slightly bulkier font.

These changes will be rolled out over the next month or so for the majority of text ads on websites. The only main difference from site to site will be the color. Instead of the gray you see to the right, the color of the arrows will be decided based off of the background color palette on the website the ads reside on. This ensures the ads aren’t TOO obtrusive and enables you to maintain a cohesive look and feel.

These updates won’t be earth-shattering, but you should double check any AdSense ads you have running. View them on computer, tablet, and mobile device and make sure that they look good across all the devices.

Need some AdSense advice?  Contact Wikimotive for a free evaluation of your current SEO strategy and advice on how you can improve.


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At Wikimotive, we believe in an aggressive, manually-delivered automotive SEO strategy. No automation. Transparent results.

If you’re an aggressive car dealership that wants to make an impact on your sales very quickly, let’s talk.

Our service includes:

  • Complete revamp of onsite content – make it completely unique to your dealership
  • Ongoing content added monthly
  • Link-earning for domain and page authority (not the link-building that you’re probably getting)
  • Social signal campaigns that actually work (shocker!)
  • Localization strategies – think mobile
  • Citations, directories, the basics you’re probably not getting now
  • Complete search marketing roadmap

We’re not for every dealer, just those who want to dominate!