Who is the Author of Your Blog?


If you’re performing your SEO correctly, then you are blogging damn near every single day. You may have one writer, you may have a team of writers, you may outsource, or you may do it all yourself. It’s important that the content is created, but WHO Google credits with the creation is becoming relevant in and of itself. Let us here at your first choice among automotive SEO companies tell you a little more.

Authorship is important because it gives credibility to posts and it improves your search results. It also adds a little headshot and bio next to your posts in Google results, making them stand out even more than normal.

Sold? Here’s how you set it up for Google:

  1. Create a Google+ account with a clear headshot as your profile picture
  2. Ensure your blog is displaying your byline. The byline is line under the post title or piece that says “By Your Name” or possibly it’s just your name on its own line.
  3. Ensure your byline is the EXACT SAME as your Google+ name. If your “Jonathon Smith” on your blog but “Jon Smith” on Google+, it won’t work right.

Once you’ve completed the above steps, the next thing to do is tell Google you’re the author. You can find the link to the page here. If for whatever reason you can’t get an email from your own domain (you really should!) you can find alternate instructions here!

So now you’re the author of your blog! Wait a day or two and then search around, when you see an article you wrote with your headshot next to it, you know you hit pay dirt!


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At Wikimotive, we believe in an aggressive, manually-delivered automotive SEO strategy. No automation. Transparent results.

If you’re an aggressive car dealership that wants to make an impact on your sales very quickly, let’s talk.

Our service includes:

  • Complete revamp of onsite content – make it completely unique to your dealership
  • Ongoing content added monthly
  • Link-earning for domain and page authority (not the link-building that you’re probably getting)
  • Social signal campaigns that actually work (shocker!)
  • Localization strategies – think mobile
  • Citations, directories, Schema.org the basics you’re probably not getting now
  • Complete search marketing roadmap

We’re not for every dealer, just those who want to dominate!