Infographic: 10 Reasons You Need SEO to Gain More Business

Eat Your Competition for Lunch

Every business owner knows how important marketing is to success, but the focus has always been on reaching large audiences in hopes of finding people who are in need of what a business has to offer. With the internet and search engines, however, it became a lot easier for people to seek businesses out than ever before.

But the internet and search engines brought one big new challenge for businesses: the ability to be found. If you can’t be found in search in 2015, you’re missing out on a large percentage of ready-to-buy customers, as well as high-quality leads from interested consumers.

Using SEO (search engine optimization) to make your website more appealing to search engines, your business will see an increase in traffic, leads, and sales from the types of customers you’ve been trying to target through both digital and traditional advertising.

Do you want to eat your competition for lunch? Do you want to gain more business? We’ve created an infographic to show you the top 10 reasons why you need SEO:

SEO Infographic


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Top 10 Reasons Why Your Business Needs SEO


1. More people are searching than ever before. It’s been like that ever since search engines became a thing, and it’s not going to slow down anytime soon. With more people searching, more opportunities open up your business to reach more customers, increase sales, and eat your competition for lunch.

2. A 2006 Forrester study showed 93% of all web traffic came from search engines. This means most people begin their online activity by hitting “Search.” Are you able to be found to take advantage of that traffic?

3. A 2011 study showed 92% of U.S adults used search engines. Using SEO, you’re making it easier for customers to find your business. This is opposite of traditional advertising, in which you’re trying to find the customer. This is the essence of what makes SEO so effective.

4. Between 2011 and 2017, online purchases are on pace to nearly DOUBLE. SEO will ensure your business isn’t left behind so you can grow with the times instead of fighting to survive.

5. If you’re not engaging in some form of SEO, you’re handing your competition the majority of traffic from search engines. Why? 79% of searchers say they always/frequently click on organic results and 80% say they usually ignore ads in search results.

6. Position matters more than anything in search results because 68% of all organic clicks go to the top 3 search results. Are you letting your competition eat your lunch?

7. If you’re not working on local SEO, you’re missing out on huge opportunities from mobile customers. That’s because 50% of all mobile searches are conducted in hopes of finding local results, and 61% of those searches result in a purchase.

8. Are you tired of throwing more cash at direct mail and print in hopes of finding quality leads? SEO leads have a 14.6% close rate, while outbound leads (such as direct mail and print advertising) have a 1.7% close rate.

9. If you’re not actively creating content, your competition might eat your lunch. Businesses with websites of 401-1000 pages get 6x more leads than those with 51-100 pages.

10. Content length affects SERPs, and what you’re publishing now might not be enough. A serpIQ study showed the more content a page had, the better it ranked.


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At Wikimotive, we believe in an aggressive, manually-delivered automotive SEO strategy. No automation. Transparent results.

If you’re an aggressive car dealership that wants to make an impact on your sales very quickly, let’s talk.

Our service includes:

  • Complete revamp of onsite content – make it completely unique to your dealership
  • Ongoing content added monthly
  • Link-earning for domain and page authority (not the link-building that you’re probably getting)
  • Social signal campaigns that actually work (shocker!)
  • Localization strategies – think mobile
  • Citations, directories, the basics you’re probably not getting now
  • Complete search marketing roadmap

We’re not for every dealer, just those who want to dominate!