Searches a Month at an All Time High!

Are you still struggling to justify your SEO budget? Do you not have an SEO budget but would really, REALLY like one? Well, comScore is here to help you out. They just released the numbers for March and they should help sway even the penny-pinchiest bosses. Let us here at your home for Automotive SEO share the data with you.

In comScore’s latest report, they are estimating that there were just under 20.4 BILLION searches performed in March. That’s right, 20.4 billion searches in just 30 days. What makes this number even more incredible is the fact that this number doesn’t include anything other than desktop searches. So on top of the 20.4 billion, you add another big chunk for all the mobile and tablet users.

There were rumors that SEO for desktops was on the decline, but this graph shows that, in fact, it’s exactly the opposite.



Now, you still want to pay attention to mobile because it IS important. What this study shows is that you can’t afford to ignore any of it. Marketing is about putting your product in front of the consumers, and the consumers are online searching. This means that, as we and many other experts have said ad nauseu, SEO is the best place to spend your marketing dollar.

Show that graph to the boss.

Bosses love graphs.


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At Wikimotive, we believe in an aggressive, manually-delivered automotive SEO strategy. No automation. Transparent results.

If you’re an aggressive car dealership that wants to make an impact on your sales very quickly, let’s talk.

Our service includes:

  • Complete revamp of onsite content – make it completely unique to your dealership
  • Ongoing content added monthly
  • Link-earning for domain and page authority (not the link-building that you’re probably getting)
  • Social signal campaigns that actually work (shocker!)
  • Localization strategies – think mobile
  • Citations, directories, the basics you’re probably not getting now
  • Complete search marketing roadmap

We’re not for every dealer, just those who want to dominate!