Most Wanted Digital Marketing Skills

Most wanted

How is your automotive digital marketing going these days? If you’re like most people in the automotive industry, you’re eager to do well but you have trouble keeping up with all of the techniques and changes that you need to know to truly succeed. It may comfort you a little bit to know that you’re in the majority. Digital marketing skill, REAL digital marketing skill, is currently at a premium, and there’s a talent gap growing between what companies need and what the average job seeker is able to deliver. Let’s take a look at what the most in demand skills are, so that you know what you need to focus on.

To illustrate where people are lacking, we have an infographic for you. If you’re wondering how this information is relevant to your and your business, just consider that sooner or later, you’re going to need to hire a digital marketing team. Maybe it will be internal, maybe it will be a talented company like Wikimotive. Whatever route you take, you need to be able to recognize what skills are truly valuable and what skills are a dime a dozen. You don’t want to pass up the perfect candidate or company because you didn’t understand the basic talent pool available in the industry, do you?



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At Wikimotive, we believe in an aggressive, manually-delivered automotive SEO strategy. No automation. Transparent results.

If you’re an aggressive car dealership that wants to make an impact on your sales very quickly, let’s talk.

Our service includes:

  • Complete revamp of onsite content – make it completely unique to your dealership
  • Ongoing content added monthly
  • Link-earning for domain and page authority (not the link-building that you’re probably getting)
  • Social signal campaigns that actually work (shocker!)
  • Localization strategies – think mobile
  • Citations, directories, the basics you’re probably not getting now
  • Complete search marketing roadmap

We’re not for every dealer, just those who want to dominate!